
David of Donatello
    Donato, or as his friends called him, Donatello, was an Italian early Renaissance artist born in Florence in the year 1383. His father is Niccolò di Betto Bardi, a Florentine wool carder. Donatello was a man of simple taste, and little is known about his personality. He was never married, and did not take interest in many things.During his young ages, he created many works, but what made him first famous was a stone carved Annunciation for the church S. Croce in Florence. From there on, he started to take interest in sculpting, which made him who he is known as today.
    The most known art created by him include David, Mary Magdalene, Madonna, Salome, and much more. The David, arguably his most famous art, is a bronze statue with the height of 158 cm. David was well known in ancient times and was a symbol of the Florence Republic. In the statue, he wears a crown of leaves, reflecting Donatello's interest in Classical art. His sculptures were always made from either marble, bronze, terracotta, or wood. Because of his interest in Classical art of ancient Greece and Rome, he added unique features in his sculptures and was the first to create a sculpture of one that is completely nude. In addition, Donatello invented a technique known as Schiacciato, or shallow relief, which let him put spacious depth in his works. 
    Donatello spent his last years designing twin bronze pulpits for San Lorenzo, and, serviced his old patrons, the Medici, until his death. Covered with reliefs and passion for Christ, the pulpits are of great spiritual depth. He died on December 13, 1466.

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